Take Advantage of Your Kitchen Space

It is not an easy task to accurately organize a cupboard or a kitchen counter. Most of the time, the space available is insufficient. If you need to have immediate access to kitchen items, you create a full stack of objects against the décor you want the kitchen to have.
If you want the kitchen to be more organized, consider the ideas below that promise to arrange your kitchen items cleverly. Take advantage of places you never thought could become necessary.
- Blackboard in the cupboard
Create your own table in the kitchen where you can chalk anything you want. It can be either the quantities and dosages you want to remember, a recipe you often forget and make, or the next day's shopping list. Because the aim is to save kitchen space, make your chalkboard inside a cupboard. All you need to do is paint the inside of the door cabinet with a special chalkboard spray that you can get from a paint shop. Then, you open the cupboard whenever you need to mark something.
- Blind corner cabinets
A blind corner cabinet is two base or wall cabinets that meet in one corner, with the other part hidden. It's called blind because you can't see what's hidden inside the portion of the cabinet, making it difficult to use that space. However, with Kesseböhmer's Hafele LeMans II Set for Blind Corner Cabinets, you can take advantage of your kitchen's blind corners.
- Organizing spices
You love to use spices for cooking, but every time you get to look for what you need in the cupboard. Take advantage of a kitchen cabinet to store your spices there. You're going to need a spice rack which you will mount to the inside of the cabinet. Then you'll need jars with a metal lid to magnetize, stick and stand inside the cupboard. Therefore, you will have a very well-organized and well-hidden effect. You can also use the name of the spice inside to stick labels on each jar to avoid confusion.
- Hanging jars
If you love decorative glass jars that you can fill with cereals, pasta, spices, and anything else you want, but your countertop is too small, the following way can help you keep your kitchen decorated with some of it. Screw-in the jar lid just under a cupboard and just above the kitchen counter with a screw and an electric screwdriver. All you need to do then is to screw and unscrew the jar into the lid every time you need it inside. And your hanging pots are ready to impress.
- Elvira E
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